May 22, 2017
December 25, 2021
min Read

Year in Review

Team LetsVenture


Data in Consideration for this report

Funded Companies: 416 (Ecosystem Data)Fundraising companies: 2097 (Platform Data)Average funding: $566k


1. Sectoral Data

  1. The most funded sectors were Enterprise software, healthcare and education.
  2. The amount of VC participation in angel space can be an indication of how hot that sector is or will be, let the user interpret. Look at the red and yellow lines carefully!

Please note: Fundraising data is scaled 1/10th

2. Emerging Sectors.

Retail, Analytics, Big Data and IoT are 4 sectors that have had a constant quarter on quarter growth. Retail emerges victorious with the highest number of successful angel rounds.

3. Declining Sectors

You might be surprised, or not at all, to see Media & Entertainment, Fashion, Transportation and Travel & Tourism placed in the declining sector list. Media & Entertainment has taken an especially massive hit with the steepest 'quarter on quarter' drop. Our question is: has the Angel wave died?

4. Market type

- Two things to notice here:

  1. 63% of the funded companies are B2C and hence B2B ecosystem is still at early stage in the country.
  2. There is no bias towards B2B/B2C quarter on quarter. The number of B2B deals and the number of B2C deals follow the market trend.

5. Funding by City

80% of the fundraising still happening in T1 cities but an increasing demand (30%) from Tier 2 cities in angel space. Unfortunately, we did not see any Venture Capital deals happening in T2 cities this year.

6. Stage of fundraising -

This year we didn't have any funding at Ideation stage as opposed to last 2 years. 65% of the fundraises happened at Early Revenues. If you are a founder, build some traction before you go out and raise funds or you might end up wasting time. If you are an investor, make sure you validate the company well enough if they don't have traction yet. #goeswithoutsayingWe hope you found this report insightful. If you have any specific questions or have any comments you can type it up below or you can email us at

Team LetsVenture
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