FAQs: Equity funding on LetsVenture

How do I apply to raise funds via LetsVenture?

You can start registering your startup here and completing the startup profile. Be as detailed as possible to provide a well-rounded picture of your startup to angel investors on LetsVenture.

Do I need an incorporated entity to raise funds via LetsVenture?

Yes, it is mandatory for startups to be incorporated as a private limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or be registered as a partnership firm (under Section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or be a limited liability partnership (under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) in India. 

Can a sole proprietorship/ Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) raise funds via LetsVenture?

No, the entity must be incorporated as a private limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or registered as a partnership firm (registered under Section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership (under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) in India.

Is my startup eligible to raise funds via LetsVenture?

Yes, as long as your business fulfills the criteria of being a startup. 

However, an entity shall cease to be a startup if it falls under either of the following conditions:

  1. Completed 10 years from the date of its incorporation/registration.
  2. Turnover for any previous year exceeds Rs 100 Cr since incorporation.
  3. The entity is formed by splitting up or reconstructing an existing business.

Do I need a DPIIT certificate for my startup to raise funds via LetsVenture?

No, it is not mandatory for startups to have a DPIIT certificate to raise funds via LetsVenture.

However, an entity will be disqualified from consideration if it falls under either of the following conditions:

  1. Completed 10 years from the date of its incorporation/registration.
  2. Turnover for any previous year exceeds Rs 100 Cr since incorporation.
  3. The entity is formed by splitting up or reconstructing an existing business.

Can a startup based outside India raise funds via LetsVenture?

Yes, we consider offshore business for investments via the LetsVenture platform. Please note that the regulations regarding investments in an entity based outside India are dictated by SEBI and are subject to change.

For now, one must make sure the entity does not fulfill either of the conditions:

  1. Completed 10 years from the date of its incorporation/registration.
  2. Turnover for any previous year exceeds Rs 100 Cr since incorporation.
  3. The entity is formed by splitting up or reconstructing an existing business.

What documents do I need to register my startup for evaluation on LetsVenture?

You should be ready with the following documents to get your startup evaluated on LetsVenture: 

  1. Incorporation certificate 
  2. Memorandum of Association & Article of Association
  3. Audited Financials as applicable
  4. Any other documents as may be required by LVTPL

What amount of funding can startups raise on LetsVenture?

Startups can raise up to Rs 10 Crore from angel investors on LetsVenture.

What does the startup evaluation process involve?

There are four distinct steps or stages to evaluate every startup on LetsVenture. 

They include

  1. Startups sign up on the LetsVenture website.
  2. LetsVenture’s startup sourcing and curation team evaluates the pitch deck. If the startup fits our investment thesis, the team will be invited to pitch. 
  3. LetsVenture’s Investment Committee will decide if and when the startup will be launched on our platform.
  4. LetsVenture initiates the documentation process to prepare for the launch of the startup deal on LetsVenture.

What is the fee structure of LetsVenture?

LetsVenture charges a ‘Success Fee’ for the amount of funding a startup raises via LetsVenture and its network.

Does LetsVenture consider pre-revenue startups?

Yes, LetsVenture considers pre-revenue startups for funding on our platform.

What startups does LetsVenture not consider for investment?

As long as an entity qualifies as a startup, LetsVenture is open to evaluate for potential investment.

Why am I unable to apply for funding on LetsVenture?

LetsVenture’s tech-first platform is designed for all startups to register here

However, if you are not able to do so, please write an email to us at contact@letsventure.com, and kindly share a screenshot of the error/issue that you are facing.