May 21, 2024
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Women Founder Network FAQs

What's the duration of the WFN program?

This will be a six weeks program that includes regular check-ins post the cohort program and hands-on mentoring as you continue to build your start-up in parallel.

When does WFN kick off?

The applications for the WFN open on April 30th. The first cohort will start in June 2022.

What stake does Lets Venture take in the company in return for all the support?

As part of the WFN, LV will take a 2-3% stake/ownership in the company and support it at every stage possible. We do expect the selected founders to commit to spending time and attending the sessions to make the best of the program.

What happens after the six-week program is over? Will LV continue to help the 10 companies that are a part of the cohort?

While each cohort is for 6 weeks, the LV WFN community is for life. You can continue to stay connected to your network, attend events and benefit from peer/community learnings after the program ends.